PST refresher course

RPST is a refresher course for the introductory PST Course in India. The latter is an essential qualification for seafarers in the maritime industry.

What is PST?

PST stands for Personal Survival Techniques, a course for seafarers in India. It is a crucial course that directly impacts your safety and readiness at sea. PST is a mandatory training program meant for maritime professionals. It is designed to aid them with crucial skills for responding effectively in situations of emergency.

The course includes a range of procedures and techniques of survival to be followed when emergencies manifest in the journey by sea. PST entails the following features:

  • Procedures for abandonment of ships:

Knowing the steps to take when the ship is abandoned, such as wearing life jackets and launching lifeboats.

  • Use of life-saving equipment  

Candidates are trained to handle and deploy life buoys, life rafts and other survival equipment. Other major equipment includes first-aid kits, pyrotechnics and signalling devices. Candidates will learn how to deploy such equipment in situations of emergency.

  • Emergency communication

Training is delivered for using communication devices and distress signals. Candidates will learn how to coordinate with teams for rescue.

  • Leadership and teamwork

In situations of emergency, leadership and cooperation are critical. The course may include team-building exercises to improve candidates’ ability to collaborate and determine leaders in survival scenarios.

  • Regulatory and legal needs

Knowing the relevant international and national regulations and laws related to PST is crucial to the course. This ensures that candidates are aware of their obligations and responsibilities in situations of emergency.

What is RPST?

RPST stands for Refresher Course for Personal Survival Techniques. It refers to a training program or PST refresher course designed to update and enhance candidates’ knowledge and skills in maritime activities. RPST is vital for anyone working at sea, ensuring they can respond effectively to situations of emergency and improve their survival chances in case of a maritime incident.

The RPST course provides seafarers the chance to refresh their firefighting skills. This is especially useful for those seeking training certification, updated for Firefighting and Fire prevention. It offers critical training to ensure candidates stay updated with the latest firefighting techniques.

The course will ensure that candidates will be trained in the prevention of fires and in the ability to inspect and maintain equipment for fire detection and fire extinguishing. On completing the course, candidates will be awarded a certificate issued by the DGS (Directorate General of Shipping), part of the Ministry of Shipping of the Government of India (GOI).

Eligibility for RPST is that the candidate should have undergone a PST course per the DGS guidelines. They will learn the latest fire prevention techniques, fire detection and inspection methods, and the handling of firefighting equipment and firefighting techniques. The course has a focus on practical sessions of training, including simulation of scenarios of real life.

Candidates will learn about typical equipment firefighting found aboard most ships, like fire hoses, fire extinguishers, breathing apparatus, etc. They will be trained in adequate maintenance, handling and use of tools for effectively combatting fires.

Practical training sessions will be conducted to simulate real-life scenarios, permitting participants to practice their firefighting skills within controlled conditions. They will be trained in ways to approach various kinds of fires, like fuel, accommodation and electrical fires. The RPST course will cover techniques for procedures of evacuation, fire containment and fire extinguishing.

Tips to select the best course in India

Selecting the best RPST course in India is crucial for seafarers since it directly impacts your readiness and safety for sea-faring activities. Following are some valuable tips:

  • Compliance and accreditation

One must check whether the DGS approves the course. It is the DGS that regulates maritime training and education in India.

The course should also comply with the Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention, which is responsible for setting minimum standards of training for seafarers all over the world.

  • Facilities for training

Consider the infrastructure of the training facility, such as classrooms, areas for practical training and equipment for simulation. It is always good that the training facility must have cutting-edge equipment for simulating real-life emergency scenarios.

The training facility should also have capable faculty. Check the experience and qualifications of instructors. They must have relevant teaching credentials and maritime expertise.

  • Content of the course

The RPST course should have a comprehensive curriculum. It should cover all necessary topics stipulated by the STCW. Ensure that the curriculum is updated with the latest standards of the maritime industry.

Another crucial factor is the quantum of practical training. Seek a course that includes hands-on training in a controlled environment like dedicated facilities for training or swimming pools.

  • Schedule and duration

Usually, RPST courses have a standard duration, but there could be variations. Only ensure the time is adequate to cover all needed topics thoroughly.

Another factor is considering the course schedule and whether it suits your availability. Specific courses may provide evening or weekend classes convenient for working professionals.

  • Reviews and Reputation

It is good to do some sleuthing into the institute’s reputation for RPST training. Seek reviews of former students to judge the effectiveness of the course.

Another factor is the recognition in the industry. Some courses may have more respect and honour in the maritime sector. Go in for courses provided by well-known and reputed institutes for training.

  • Cost of training

Though cost is a significant factor, it must not be the sole one. Make a comparison of various courses regarding the quality of training, the reputation of the training centre and the facilities offered.

Consider the overall value for money, including the course content, practical training offered and the institute’s track record.

  • Other factors

Select an institute that is located in a place convenient for you. Consider the proximity of the location to your workplace or residence.

Ensure that the course offers a certification on its completion. This certification should have recognition in the maritime industry. It is vital for compliance with maritime regulations of the world.

Candidates should also remain updated about any changes in PST needs or regulations to ensure that the RPST course that they have chosen remains relevant.

In sum, the RPST course in India is crucial in maintaining high safety among persons engaged in maritime activities and contributes to a more secure maritime industry. It is necessary that you make an informed choice while selecting a training institute.

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